Friday, April 25, 2008

Off With Her Head!

DISCLAIMER: I liked the title, so this is not about me wanting to literally take off someone's head; as in murder.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way....

A Maryland Judge messed with the wrong chick yesterday and I'm gonna git-er!

I was having SEVERE anxiety yesterday. I think I had the worst panic attack since February of 07!

But I had to go to court.

In the morning, I threw up and was on the toilet more times than I could count (not for ED purposes). I had cold sweats and was literally shaking.

When I get really anxious, I faint. I've fainted in gyms, on trains, at parties - it's embarassing. It's almost like my body shuts down because it's too much stress. So, I wrote the judge a note explaining my disorder and symptoms and asked for a closed court room. Who hell wants to faint in court? I was just asking for some special consideration, no a to dothe proceedings from my bed in a pink cashmere robe!

Her reply: Suck it up!

Ok, so that was her NONVERBAL reply. She really said that it didn't constitute a situation that she thought warranted a closed court room and proceeded to BERATE ME in front of everyone for wanting special attention!

Well, when I had to state my name, I couldn't. I was stuttering so badly and had to run out of the room to throw up. As I am running out she's yelling: "Butterfly, you are not exempt from these proceedings!"

SHUT UP YOU BEARDED FAT FUCK! (That's what I said in my head.) ANd then I followed it with I should have thrown up on the damn floor. TAKE THAT!

She created the VERY conditions I said would be to my detriment and didn't care. The more I stuttered, the more she asked questions - in rapid succession!

Bearded Bitch!

Ok, so I won't be able to have her removed from the bench, but she will have something in her file stating that her court room in not compassionate to people with mental illness.

On a more positive note, once court was adjourned, I exited the courtroom in tears of relief. An attorney walked up to me, said he hated the way I was treated, and said, "let me help you."

I meet with him today.

Gratitude Moment: I'm thankful that some people recognize mental illness as something not worthy of ridicule.


jennifer said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Some people are just too self-centered to realize the kind of pain that mental illness puts us through.

Bleeding Heart said...

People are annoying and ignorant, that is for sure. I am glad you found someone that will help you in the way that you deserve.

JC said...

Wow! I can't believe you were treated that way, that's totally inappropriate and rude of that judge! I feel so bad you had to go through that experience!

Anonymous said...

Some people are drunk with power and need to be upbraided. This judge you mention is accountable to someone, just as we all are.

Butterfly said...

Thank you all for your posts. I really appreciate them.

I'm gonna have 2 follow up posts on this shortly. The attorney is looking into disability compliance issues. Stay tuned!

I'm fighting for us!

Butterfly said...

Thank you all for your posts. I really appreciate them.

I'm gonna have 2 follow up posts on this shortly. The attorney is looking into disability compliance issues. Stay tuned!

I'm fighting for us!

Anonymous said...

Karma will come back to get her. It always does;-)