Saturday, April 19, 2008

Celebs and Taxes

I had our taxes done recently with a HR Block.

They offer a "worry-free-we'll-pay-all-legal-fees-if-you-get-audited-and-take-the-heat" plan. It's called their "Peace of Mind" plan, I think.

Of course we opted for this.

Now here's my question: Why are so many celebrities getting caught up in tax problems? Surely they could afford the extra $39.99 (or how much it costs; can't recall).

I have bipolar disorder, but if you have millions and trust your freedom to a guy who "has been doing this for years", without the peace of knowing that he'll take the heat, well then hey, YOU'RE the crazy one.


jennifer said...

LOL I love your comment. They are crazy for not going somewhere that the services are guaranteed.

Amanda said...

Strangely enough most celebs are very financially challenged.

I wish I could afford such a protection too.

Butterfly said...

I think celebs find view there money and noteriety as reasons not to pay attention; they have enough money to purchase a "get out of jail free" card.

It seems silly to me, but oh well. I'm protected.