Monday, March 3, 2008

The Whole Friend Thing

Like really, what is it about?

Hubby thinks I've bought into the American "Sex & The City" concept of friendship because I feel a smidgen guilty when I'm not in consistent contact with people labeled friends.

I've never have consistent friendships. My friendships have always been ones of proximity, convenience, or utility. Not good, right?

Well, says who?

I look at my older sister and all of her mom, wife, and chick groups. I think they're cool, and would like to have those sometimes, but I am so NOT the "be-around-me-all-the-time, call-you-all-the-time" person.

I think when I did it, I did it because it was expected, not necessarily what I wanted to do.

Yeah, there is something to be said about doing things that you don't want to do merely because they will sustain a relationship.

But why?

I don't wanna; especially now that I'm married. My husband is my best friend. I talk to him. Why would I talk to someone else when I can talk to him?

I'm rambling. Hmmm.

I also think that people are going through withdrawal right now. They're so used my "act" that now that I'm "me", they're not liking it.

I am happy with me right now. Very happy being unapologetically, married, me.

Damn it feels good.

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