Hubby and I decided to go back on meds.
SHOCKER, I know.
With one month shy of a full year off meds, we jointly decided to buy some time.
We had both been experiencing an increase in symptoms. Fortunatley for us, when I was manic, he was depressed and when I was depressed, he was manic; so we were able to pull each other out of the funky funk funk of depression.
For me, we decided that I would take only the Lexapro (10mg) every day for 5 days, then every other day, then a 1/2 every other day, until I no longer took it. (No Seroquel.)
We have A LOT going on - court, home sale, career, etc. They all require that we focus on them simultaneously. We recognized that we fell behind in a lot of areas, and with our p-docs/ t-docs supervision, we're going to use the medicine to play catch up. Our careers, lives and finances depend on our ability to be focused. Once we've cleared the emergencies, we'll ween it out of our system.
Am I ashamed to have gone back on meds?
Not at all. There's no honor in having your life fall apart when a tiny pill can buy you some time to get it together. Lexapro bought me some time. Elavil bought my husband some time.
We came up with the weening, and our docs said it was a great plan for a med-commit-phobic couple.
With that said, the house is filled with PEPPERMINT! I was nauseous 10 MINUTES AFTER I TOOK IT!
Brain is clear, gotta grab a mint.
I'll keep ya posted.
Just curious about a couple of things.
First, what are each of your dx? BPI? BPII?
Second, why did you go off meds in the first place.
and third, what meds were you on before that were so difficult to deal with and/or good enough to encourage you to have a go at it on your own, sans meds?
I'm just wondering...
either way, there is no shame at all.
It's very proactive move and this comes from someone who is an artist who battles with the take em and become droned out, or don't take em and risk the rollercoaster ride from hell.
I've found a good cocktail now and I have a fantastic doctor, so I've found a functional medium, wherein I can create work and be as well as i can be.
Still have blips, but it is what it is, yeah?
Tis all.
And Yes, peppermint is the DEAL for nausea.
be well,
I am seriously impressed. I think I would literally go insane if I went off meds again (Lamictal is my drug of choice). Do they make you sick? Is that what the peppermint is for? Mine just make me drowsy right after I take them, so I take them later and later and later in the day.
I hated Lexapro. Good luck with that.
And congrats on making it a year w/o meds--I've been medicated for the past 7 or so years and can't even dream of living off of them.
Whatever helps B. You do the very best you can, then you do what you have to do.
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