Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Question

What is it about bipolar disorder that makes it the moment of depression or mania seem like the end of the world, but when it pasts, you wonder why you were so worked up?


Bleeding Heart said...

Its our is VERY powerful. When I am feeling oh-so-good, I think this is it, I am fine, I am on top of the world and no one is going to bring me down. I am very social - "A Social Butterfly," and then I drop. And then I think, did I make a fool out of myself?

When I am depressed, I really think that I am in such a dark place, and that moment of the oh-so-good feeling, to me, never existed. Leave me alone, stand back, and run for your life.

When I am not depressed anymore, I think, GOSH! How did that happen?

It is very confusing to say the least.

jenji said...

It's the neuronal sense of humor...

a real bugger, ain't it?


Butterfly said...

Today, I'm laughing about it. Not scolding myslef too bad, but I can't figure out why I was so low yesterday.

I did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned up and tons of paper work.

Go figure.

ashmc2 said...

I have an issue with impulsiveness wind when I get away from the issue I wonder why I blew-up. After the fact I can see all the befuddled and shocked faces that were wondering why I got so worked up. I hate that part the most, because even though everyone was annoyed at the situation I was the only one that couldn’t control myself. I hate the swings, but sadly at either of the extreme poles I am overly irritable. I’m sick of it, but I know that I will never be free of myself. Enjoy the good times, because we will relapse.

Later, Ash out…

Bleeding Heart said...

I go through the same thing. We are woman and we are hormonal..sometimes it is not all bipolar, Ya know?

I am glad you are feeling better :)

Butterfly said...

I hate the swings too, Ash.

Dream, thanks for that alternate viewpoint. You're right, it could just be EVE's FAULT :-)