I once read a book called the Mcdonaldization of Society. It basically highlighted that the globe is becoming more focused on immediate gratification and satisfaction.
The emergence of the microwave, minute meals, crazy diets, plastic surgery and of course meds, evidences this fact.
As many of you know I stopped taking meds last April. The side effects sucked. As one who doesn't normally take meds, swallowing tiny pills capable of knocking me out for 12 hours simply couldn't be healthy (at least in my mind). So I stopped.
My withdrawal was killer, so if you're gonna stop, be advise that it totally sucks.
Anyway, I've started exploring alternative medicine and therapy to manage my symptoms. For example, I've tried Valerian Root to help me sleep, and greatly reduced stress in my life.
Lost track of my point, but I think it was along the lines of: popping pills is easy, but is it good?
I didn't want to be a pill popper when I had time to explore other options. So my March 2008 is all about alternative therapies.
First up Colonics.
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