Monday, October 15, 2007

Secret Ritual

I have a secret ritual - I burn names.

Yup, I do.

When I need to get over something or someone, I write the name or the situation on a piece of paper, and set it on fire.

Sorta symbolic, I guess. This GM thing has my head swirling, but I promised my cuz that I wouldn't have the GM's jaw broken, follow him home or pick a fight.

Gotta write his name down and burn it.

The following will be added to the burn list:
Asst. GM
Ex Con

Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.


Amanda said...

It's tough. To watch people get away with murder and not be able to do anything to them. I felt the same way about my son's shrink a couple of weeks ago.

Then I thought, the bugger is probably sitting there hoping that I'm going to flip out. Naw. Best revenge is living well.

And if burning is part of the process, so be it.


Butterfly said...

Those words connect with my head, but my heart is bruised. What now?

Butterfly said...

Those words connect with my head, but my heart is bruised. What now?

Amanda said...

It gets better after the first few days, but only if we are really, really kind to ourselves. And as quaint as it sounds...a hug from a loved one does wonders too.