Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Me Speak

As I strive to be my most authentic self, it calls for me to do what I want regardless of what he, she or you think.

It requires me to say what I want regardless of my words' seemingly premature entry to your ears.

I am free to be me.

What does me mean?
"Please don't send me your x -rated texts and emails anymore."

"Please don't send me your silly "send-to-10-people" chain letters."

"No, you can't come into my house. Please do not ask again."

"Please stop sending me so many texts."

"I think its best that we no longer speak."

"I don't discuss my relationships."

"Please no longer call me after 8pm."

"Your negativity is affecting me. I need time away from you."

"We will never get back together."

"I don't trust you."

"You're mean."

"That you love me is great, but I don't share the sentiment."

"Your married. You're scum for telling me you want me."

"Why play the game, you're never leaving your wife."

"Please stop flirting with me."

"No one can stand to be around you."

"I can no longer tolerate your cursing."

"Call me when you have something happy to talk about."

Ok, I think that's all.

Not mean, not rude, simply honest. Honesty represents my best self.


Amanda said...

The world would be a much better place if we could all talk like that.

Butterfly said...

I'm trying to incorporate this more and more.