Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So Tired of Apologizing

I have an event to go to tonight.

I'm dressed, hair done, makeup on.

I've been ready since 8:15pm; it's now 9:11pm.

Why haven't I left yet?

My shoes are even on!

I had a new friend (more on her to come) coming to pick me up, but she got tied up with our new venture (more on that later), and can't pick me up.

I called 5 cab companies, but no cabs were available in my area.

Now what?

I don't kill anyone off as in "my grandma died".

I am tired of the "Oh no, I'm covered in hives and can't make it."

I hate the fibbing, but I can't simply NOT show with out an excuse, right?


So tired of apologizing.

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