Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holiday Season? What?!

I struggled my way through summer.

Summer ended maybe, what, 3 days ago? Already, news reporters are talking about the holiday season!

GEEZ, can we slow down?

For me the holiday season is cause for stress.


My brain heads into overdrive:

* I should have saved more money.
* Will I have enough money to purchase presents for everyone?
* I really don't feel like being around people.
* How can I get out of the family rate your life dinner?
* This is a happy time. Why am I such a scrooge?
* I should shop early.

I know many people who wait for Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) to start shopping. I think I did that once, and I will NEVER do it again!

I hate crowds and lines and people!

Millions of children running around;
Parents oblivious to the havoc their kids cause;
Slow seasonal workers that need price checks for everything;

I think I'll avoid the stress and shop online. After all, why have a panic attack around droves of people when you can get Black Friday prices aka bfadsat home?


Amanda said...

I try to shop online whenever possible. I just wish I could get a haircut online too.

Butterfly said...

That's such a good idea!

Do you know anyone who will wash via mail?