Friday, September 14, 2007

Everyone's an Expert...

But they're really insecure haters.

Ok well maybe that's a bit harsh.

I simply hate that when I have something special or when I have great news, some smart alek "expert" feels my hooray is an opportunity to sing the praises of their intelligence.

Can't stand a know-it-all.

At the gym:
"So you know you should have your knees slightly bent."

"Can you put a bit more bounce in your step?"

"You've gotta show em who's boss."

"You gotta make sure the rental payments will cover the mortgage."

"You know UV gel is better than acrylic."

Like, no duh.

School me, please, oh wise one.

With as much info as there is on the Internet, do people really believe I won't ask questions, seek advice, or read?

Do they think I'm stupid?

Or do they simply want to hear themselves talk?


Anonymous said...

see, there are two possibilities:
1-they have found out that the number of really really stupid people is bigger than they´d have thought -yah, it can be awful impressive to realise how people can be dumb in this life, i saw this by my grades, that were not that good but, compared to others, were the 11th best among 400..-, and they want to assurre that you won´t be one of these people. There is a track of good intention in this, although it feels damn boring.

2-they´re just teying to seem less stupid as they really are.

or it can be just another thing, i´m just guessing. :)
have a happy day!
Kisses, Lulu!
(from Brazil)

Amanda said...

I hate that too. Why I married a guy who always talks like this I don't know. Must have been manic.