Thursday, August 16, 2007

Respond With Curiousity

I attended a seminar on Monday hosted by Learning Annex entitled Think & Grow Rich: Connecting Your Mind With Your Money.

The speaker pretty much gave a book report on Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich. In the midst of his report, he did make an amazing point- Respond With Curiosity.

He said negative things will happen in our life. We can't prevent it, and because we're human, we get angry and want to react. However, by virtue of the Law of Attraction, reacting negatively will only bring more negativity.

So what do we do?

He suggested Responding with Curiosity; as in "I wonder what made him turn on me?" "I wonder what caused him to sell me out for more money?"

He proffered that when we review situations from a curiosity and research standpoint, we cease from being the victim and the acted upon, and regain control of the situation and our emotions.

I like that.


Amanda said...

Yes, that's definitely a good way to look at it. Helps to focus on facts instead of feelings.

Butterfly said...

Each day I try to be a better person. If people can't see that, then oh well.