Ok, so my older sister is married to a man with 3 brothers.
One of those brothers is my age -30.
I met this brother at my sister's wedding about 7 years ago. I'll admit, everyone pairing us together at the wedding was cute, and I loved the attention. We had a lot in common, but we kinda played into it by going jet skiing together, doing karaoke, etc.
After the wedding stuff, we stayed in touch and became pretty close. Then things went wrong.
I told him that I liked him in a "hey-we're-so-cool-maybe-we-should-explore-more" kinda way.
This sum-ma-ma-bitch, didn't even acknowledge what I said!
He just ignored me; ME!
The butterfly is NEVER ignored; and yes, I said it loud enough for him to hear.
He was on some "I-wanna-learn-Spanish" bullshit, and was trying to get closer to God, so I left him alone. He'd IM me in Spanish occasionally, but I kept the conversation superficial.
So three 3 weeks ago he calls me to tell me that he's at JFK- the New York airport.
He said that he had alay over and needed a place to stay.
Word, son?
At the time of his call, I was headed to Keihls. I told "the brother" that I'd get back to him, but as it happened, my phone died, and guess what? No charger!
Yeah, I was still miffed at his slight years earlier, but it ain't my responsibility to house no dude who slighted me especially at the last mofo minute!
I guess he worked it out.
Last weekend he did the same thing AGAIN! Only he left a message. I didn't call him back.
What kinda arse doesn't plan a trip all the way through?
Traveling without proper accommodations isn't cute at 30; in fact it's down right asinine!
Today I got an email from him asking if I'm OK and that it seems like I'm pulling away from everyone. "I don't want to bother you, but just want to make sure you're OK."
WORD. Do you really care or do you want a muthafuckin place to stay yet AGAIN ?
Hell, I slept at one of my jobs for 6 months because my trifling aunt would put the safety latch on the door (accessible only from inside) to keep me out.
Hell, I'm not gonna have some 'nutha dude staying with me and I have a man! And no, you can't stay there without me!
Butterfly out!
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