Hmmm, where do I begin?
Well, on Wednesday I wanted to write an ANGRY post about the owner.
See, back in February he told me that I would be going on a company trip. Well, the trip happens this Monday, and as of this past Monday, I had heard nothing, zip, zero, nada, goose egg.!
Everyone was walking around talking about the trip making me GREEN with envy. When I could no longer ignore, I adopted the pissy sour grapes stance in my head of "Vegas is really hot this time of year."
I was so angry! He promised! Well, he didn't exactly promise, but he gave a 99% sure hint!
Well, on Monday, I took some time to put it in perspective and release the stress and pent up envy. Maybe I'll speak with the owner, but my feelings were much to hurt. I was embarrassed and was whining that if he didn't think my performance was “trip worthy”, then why am I still with the company?
Yup, I can really through a tantrum.
I really felt that asking him anything about the trip was beneath me. Truth is, I probably would've cried and been a big emotional sop.
One of the trip people was gloating about it today and asked if I was going. I told her I didn't know because no had mentioned it. Apparently this got back to the owner, and he called me at 9:30pm tonight.
I'm going on the trip!
He asked why I didn't call him. I told him I was "just so focused on work."
Yeah right.
I leave Sunday and return Thursday, but guess what?
1 comment:
That's so GREAT! Vegas, yahoo! Here she comes! :)
PS. You handled this well.
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