So, I took Doggie Daddy's advice and spoke to the owners about my significant salary increase.
Well, I didn't just talk to them; I put together a 30 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining my accomplishments, skill sets, the company's problems and a teaser about how I'd fix them, how I would diminish waste, and how I save them lots of mula.
It was received well, and I'll learn if it was accepted tomorrow (Monday).
However, the owner then said: "My concern is that you're not durable."
Wtf does that mean!?!?
He didn't say it in a mean or scolding manner, but I still felt like he was trying to indirectly say something, but what?
I asked him to clarify. Durable sounds like a Ford truck; you know, as in Built Ford Tough. He was gonna have to say a whole lot more before I would let it go.
He started beating around the bush, and saying that what made him successful is that he "worked hard, long and was consistent".
HOLD UP!Ok, so wtf are your saying?
He stopped short of saying what he meant. He really didn't have to. He's the only one that knows I'm bipolar.
I really felt like he wanted to say "I'd give you whatever you want, but you've have issues in the past. How do I know you won't have issues again?"
Damn. Being bipolar raises its head again.
I left feeling sad.
He assured me that I was an important part of his team. Oh well, they either see me as valuable or not. Regardless, I know my worth, and I refuse to settle!
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