Sunday, July 22, 2007

What Are You Thinking?

Is the conversation in your head, the SAME conversation that you have with other people?

What does this mean?

Well, for me it means that if I want people to believe that I am a Well Adjusted Hot 30 year old Chick, then I can't beat myself up for dreams deferred, pounds gained, acne that pops up, etc; I must think of myself in the same way that I want people to think about me.

It goes back to the "as within, so without" premise. What shows on the outside is a reflection of what's going on in the inside. It's true with food andyour skin, and especialy true for your thoughts and your life.

I can't be a millionaire thinking broke thoughts.
I can't be health with thoughts of disease and dis-ease.
I can't be successful at work with thoughts of failure.

I know that myy inner dialogue is often so different from what I try to sell to people I encounter. My goal over the next couple days is to get my inner dialogue to line up with what I want to see in my life.

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