Since ex's have learned of the guy I'm dating, they're like dogs flocking a bitch in heat!
All of a sudden, they want to "hang out more".
[whine on] We don't hang out like we did. I miss my buddy, my home girl, my partner in crime." [whine off]
Who the hell still says "home girl"?
The Italian called me today and asked what the current beau did for a living, if he takes care of me, and get this, was he cuter.
LMBOAROTF! (that means, Laughing My Butt Off And Rolling On The Floor).
Dude, your questions are in appropriate. Back up off the Butterfly.
Oh, so thankful that I'm neither flattered nor moved by the X Factor.
Ex's are ex's for a reason.
Amen! It took a long time to get this, but I'll never, ever forget it.
I'm in the process of making an ex UNDERSTAND that he's an ex, and it ain't easy, girl!!!
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