This Just In!
Found out the identity of 3 of the callers; all wives, gf's of business associates. No longer spazzing about that; simply checked and severed ties with the husbands.
We've had some really good chats since clearing the air. We did an charity walk today, and I'm feeling really good because I've done the work to improve my interactions with women. I'm not 100%, but I am getting better. Btw, she's been reading The Secret, and so get's where my head is and my whole "off meds" thing.
The GM is acting up again, but instead of doing the passive aggressive email thing, I'm gonna have a face to face air out. Gonna try not to yell or curse because I know he wants me to do so. He's so insecure and threatened by me. Honestly, I have no time to care. I'll keep ya posted.
The Italian
He called me one day, and I let it go to voicemail. What's the point of playing the game? I've moved on, we aren't gonna be together, so why "act" like things are the same? I like, so, like moved out of bubble gum land last month. Lol!
So thankful for a life I'm proud of. If nothing ever changed, I'm happy.
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