Saturday, June 2, 2007

An Ex Strike Back

So, I had an ex come to my job this week.

He is an incredibly handsome, motorcycle riding, very financially stable, Italian 39 year old, who in addition to being a bf, was also my regional GM.

Yes, I know, "Butterfly, you just walk into trouble."

Anyhoo, I ultimately left the company. We broke up, but remained great friends and would keep in touch a couple times a year.

So after no contact for about 2 years, he just happened to be near my job on Wednesday. He's getting married on June 9th, and wanted to see me one more time.

Really, now.

I didn't bite, and so he moved to Plan B - "Butterfly, come work for me again. We were a great team."

Really now.

Yup, double my current salary to work for him once again.

Oh, hell no!

I congratulated him on his upcoming nuptials and told him I'd think about attending his bachelor party (if I do, it will be with DD).

We were great together, but exes are exes for a reason.

So thankful that I can see through the bullshit fart cloud. LMBO!


Amanda said...

Glad you said no to this fool. You don't need the bad karma.

Butterfly said...

Oh yeah. I am all about growth and doing better now that I know better. I wasn't gonna fall for that one.