Monday, June 25, 2007

Topst Turvy World

Ate 2 bags of Swedish Fish, a row of Cameo Cookies, and 1/2 a 2 liter of Tropicana Orange Soda.

After all the shit I had this weekend, the plan was to take my psyilium husks pills. Not only am I overdue for a cleanse, but I have 2 shows this weekend, and it'll help my tummy to be flat if the shit is removed. LMBO!

Anyway, I fell asleep last night without washing my face or taking the pills.

So yes, I feel like shit emotionally, and my stomach hurts.

These are the things that piss me off about myself. I know better, but refuse to set in motion the patterns or routines or whatever the hell it is to make me do better consistently.

I'll eat till I'm sick and can't lay on my stomach, then make it better with poopy pills! How stupid is that?!!?

What scares me is that one day I might not be able to poo on my own. So I haven't done it as much as I did in the past.

I have ZERO patterns or habits.

There is nothing that I consistently do everyday - not bathe, brush my teeth, comb my hair, check voicemail, pray, meditate, exercise, NOTHING!

How the hell do I develop some consistency in my world?

Here's what my perfect day would be that the issue? That I'm looking for a perfect day?

Ok, here's what an ideal...well, isn't ideal and perfect the same thing?

Hell, here's what I want my day to look like:
6am - Awake to brush teeth, wash face, make tea
6:30 - Reading bible, prayer, meditation
7:30 - Out the door to the gym

I know that's only the beginning, but that part counts a lot; it sets the day in motion.

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