Friday, May 4, 2007


So, how is it going for me?

Well, pretty darn good.

I had another 19 emails come to my phone last night and only heard one chirp when I got up for me 3am pee! LMBO!!

Listen, I’m not saying that everyone should flush their meds down he toilet. However, I am saying that what I’m doing now, is working for me.

So what am I doing?

Well, I know it may keep changing, but here’s what I did this week:

Omega 3
Lotsa fruit
Lotsa water with lemon
No candy
Prunes and peanut butter

Walking to/from the train (maybe 5 blocks total)


To Sleep
20 minutes of meditation
20 minutes of positive thinking
Lavender oil on the pillow and eye pillow
Lavender in the oil burner
Meditation Music as I sleep

My Bible
The Secret
Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About
Heal Your Life

The Secret
Joel Olsteen
Meditation Music

I’m not holier than thou, just sharing what works for me.

So grateful for a clear mind.


Amanda said...

I don't consider myself "holier" either. People are individuals, what works for one will probably not work for another. So everyone should be able to choose what's good for them, no matter what that may be.

My decision not to medicate was not made lightly. I spoke with doctors, people who take meds and people who don't. I read all sorts of literature and simply tried out stuff and made some observations about myself and my needs.

Turns out I can deal with about 90% of the mood-swings with some natural solution or another. As for the other 10%...well isn't that what beer's for? (Joking...sort of. ;)

The secret was to learn how continue moving even minimally when I'm very depressed, and how NOT to do anything too rash when I'm manic. Basically I had to learn that impulse is not call for action.

This alone took...hmmm about 7 years to grasp and I'm still learning every day.

PS. My father, whose manic depression is about twice as bad as mine, is also unmedicated by choice and he finally started to apply the above 62! He's 67 and is doing really well now.

PS. Omega 3 rocks. I also take a Vitamin-B-complex and Magnesium.

Teas which contain Valerian Root are nature's response to Valium. That stuff can knock out an elephant if prepared properly. (It doesn't work when I'm truly hyper though, but it's great for anxiety, physical pain and such.)

And I can't function in the morning without a particular mixture of high-quality green tea. (Which also has the neat side-effect of keeping my weight fairly constant.)

Butterfly said...

The secret was to learn how continue moving even minimally when I'm very depressed, and how NOT to do anything too rash when I'm manic. Basically I had to learn that impulse is not call for action.

This was someof the best stuff I've read in a while. So true for me. Thanks.