Sunday, May 6, 2007

Lighten Up!

I'm sure we've all heard about how a full moon can affect people with chemical imbalances in the brain (so much more friendly to say than than mental illness).

But, what about the effect of sunlight and warm weather?

I'm sure I could find a study that shows there are more people with unmanageable mental illness living up north, than in warm, tropical climates.

Its sunny in NYC today and was absolutely beautiful yesterday. It will be a wonderful 82 degrees by Wednesday, and I am so ready to carpe dium (seize the day)!

I think the sun fuels my mood. Really. I truly can't recall ever being sad in the summer. Last summer, I was doing GREAT even after being diagnosed in Feb 2006 and exiting the mother of all depressions and crappy relationships.

Hooray for the sun.

If you don't want yours, send it my way. I want to soak it all up.

Here's Sheryl with some amazing lyrics:
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got

I'm gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame


Music is such a gift. I'm so thankful for people who share their music and how it inspires me.


Amanda said...

Sunlight is very important to me. I finally bought one of those "daylight-bulbs" this year and though I still seem to get my typical 3-month cycles, they aren't as awful as before.

Butterfly said...

Still feeling happy!


I've never heard of the lightbulbs, but I am soooo getting one!