In my quest to remain off meds, I need to pay attention to something else - my HORRIBLE candy cravings and SUPER POOR eating habits.
Could it be that my sleepless nights could be attribute to the LARGE sugar consumption right before bedtime and throughout the night. (Yeah, I roll over to stuff my mouth with Swedish Fish and apple juice.)
Could it be that I would have more energy, resist colds better and have no trouble with ACNE if I ate better and drank more water!
I eat like shit, and have been coasting on genetics to maintain my size, but what if my poor eating contributes to mood instability?
Yup, I'm all for the change. So, I am "allowed" 10 fish a day until I cut them out completely. The guy I'm dating ensures that I have at least one hot meal each day. (I said no to doing the Zone diet delivery thing.)
I don't want acne.
I'll also start running a couple times a week, and working out. Not only will I look and feel better, but it will help with my sleep as well.
So thankful for the ability to be honest with myself.
Ooook, DD...just as long as this doesn't become a regular show.
No, he's amazing. We'll be good forever a long as he doesn't secretly collect heads. He's really cool.
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