Friday, April 27, 2007

I Wanna Tell

When I can no longer be held captive by the fear of revealed truth what remains is freedom absolute.

I am captive by the fear of people finding out that I'm bipolar.

When I am no longer afraid, then I am free.

I wanna be free.

1 comment:

ashmc2 said...

Why do you feel the need to tell people? Fuck people. They don’t need to know. I honestly don’t think telling everyone I interact with would be a good thing. You would not be free butterfly. You would be in a bar-less prison. There is a stigma attached to us. People are too stupid to read and will always remain ignorant to our plight. They only know us by media rendition. Why do you think they will find out? ‘Do you feel the need to blurt it out at every turn? Do you think that your very essence radiates “I’m bipolar?” IMO, only tell people that you totally trust and even then ask yourself why you feel the need to tell them. If they had some deep secret do you think they would feel the need to tell you? I truly doubt it. Don't be paranoid; people that you see on a regular basis have no clue, so stop worrying.