Sunday, April 8, 2007

Cure vs. Manage

So, from what I’ve read on a couple of these bipolar sites, bipolar disorder isn’t something that is cured, but rather something that is managed. It’s like diabetes, there’s no cure, so take your insulin; or like asthma, there’s no cure, so carry your inhaler and use your nebulizer.

I’m not over the whole I’m-gonna-cure-myself” thing. I truly believe I can, and when I do, I’m gonna help everyone; but until then, let’s talk about managing.

How are you managing your bipolar disorder?

By definition, manage means: to pull off: be successful; achieve a goal; cope: come to terms or deal successfully with;

Are you successful in coping with this disorder? How do you cope?

Here’s what I have been doing for the past week:

- Reading my bible on the train ride into work (Psalms)(A-)
- Listening to The Secret audio book (A+)
- 1 hour of meditation daily (broken up in am, midday, pm)(A+)
- Avoided negative thoughts about my body, relationships, etc. (A-)
- Refocused when judgments about others popped into my head. (C-)
- Avoided negative conversations (C+)
- Took meds (A-)
- Went to bed early enough (A+)
- Thus far, 2 days of for real exercise (A+)

Guess what? I’m not even gonna deduct points for my Swedish Fish, Twix, Kit Kat or the alcohol binge fest.


Cuz I enjoyed very moment of them!

This is the lifestyle cocktail that's working for me. See, the thing is that we’re not all cookie cutter bipolar endure-ers; some are manic, some are depressed, some are 1, 2, rapid cycling, ultra rapid cycling, etc. I’m doing what's working for me right now. The Secret and reading my Bible has helped me a lot.

May you all find a lifestyle cocktail that helps you do more than cope; live, happily.


Amanda said...

Well said! :)

Butterfly said...

How I wish feeling like this was forever.