Monday, March 26, 2007

A Question

Which came first:
Feeling weird and then the diagnosis highlighted your weirdness, or were you weird and then the diagnosis make you weirder?

I have trouble gauging what is normal for me because I have forgotten what normal is.

It's like:
Wearing fake nails for so long that you forgot the shape of your fingers;

Wearing weaves and wigs for so long that you forgot that you had hair;

Wearing pants for so long that people forgot that you have legs;

Wearing makeup everyday all day and forgetting what you face looks like without it.


I'm gonna find normal.

If you see her, point her toward NYC; I'll take it from there.


Amber Anique said...

My diagnosis made me WIERD-ER!!! Everything that I am, or was, is now the opposite. I'm not so sure what land I live in. I used 2b an advocate for meds, but now, I can't be but to bothered. So, I just lay in bed, doing nothing, and every once in a while I'll drift off into sleep.

Butterfly said...

But other life changes like jobs factor in don't they?