Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Its true....

Bitches win; at least in the short term.

Yeah, yeah, the whole karma thing won't happen if you're not a good little girl today, but imagine the satisfaction in the moment when you see a face change to horror and shock after you say, "shut the fuck up."

How do I work?

Everyone, everywhere is dumber than I am, but I must work for and under them!?

How the hell does that make sense?

I'm 30 how do I learn to work with STUPID people NOW? Isn't it too late for me?

Is it the personalities that I'm not good with? What am I doing?

On one hand I want to work for myself, but I fear accountability because when I don't feel like working, I don't want to work. So there is security in a job, but damn must I always be around morons and assholes? Why must I work with them?

Who is them, you ask?

Them are the bookkeepers who act like they're Harvard grad CPA's! Hell you don't even do payroll on a muthafreaking spreadsheet, you do it by hand! WTF is that shit?!

Your job ain't that great. You're only still here because you're the only ass willing to work for $8/hour! And that bullshit about you being here on an assignment from God, yeah, that's bullshit, too. You just a skill-less bucktooth bitch!

Suck on deez!

Sorry, for the curses, just purging this out of my system.

UPDATE:I'm not even 30. I'm 31!

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