Saturday, April 26, 2008

Caught Up on the Blogs!

Hooray for me!

I'm all caught up on the blogs. There are some new blogs that I'm gonna add to my blog roll.

I wish I could read blogs all day because I love reflection, humor, encouragement, etc.

But for the new people to my blog, WELCOME! So glad you stopped by, and do come again.



jennifer said...

Do you use Google Reader? It saves so much time with reading blogs. It checks the blogs for you and lets you know which ones have new entries. You can read them right in the reader and never have to actually go to the blog unless you want to leave a comment. http//

JC said...

I totally second that! BPD introduced me to it and it is amazing for keeping track of what is freshly written all the time :) and it's easy to use :) thanks for adding me!