Hubby's parents are deceased. His dad died last year, and his mom died in 2001.
Is this weird?
Hmmm, there's no way to say this on a bed of pillows. Hmmm, I guess the reason that I feel the need to place what I'm about to say on a bed of pillows may point to me feeling that it is weird.
I enjoy sitting at their grave site.
I read there. I play in the dirt, and I talk to them. I NEVER thought I would be THIS person who would do this, but it works.
I told T-doc about this, and she said it was OK; it is simply my way of finding peace sometimes. Hmmmm
I totally get it...
I sit on my grandma's grave to read, reflect or just enjoy some solitude on a sunny summer day. I find it comforting in a chaotic world.
...totally get it.
I think it is OK, too. You must have been close to them and you probably want to continue to feel their closeness.
Or, as your doc says finding peace as well (depending on your situation).
My in-laws and parents are both alive still. I cannot imagine going through that.
I love this place - the blogoshpere. It's a place where I feel comfortable, and I know that I am NOT weird.
I don't see anything wrong with this either. Frankly I don't see wrong in anything that doesn't impact people in a negative way.
It helps, right? Then I'm all for it.
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