Friday, September 14, 2007

Starting Over

It seems the hardest part of being bipolar is maintaining consistency.

I get started.
I have a good run.
It happens, and then I'm starting over yet again.

It seems that I am in a constant state of starting over.

Why isn't my skin perfect?
Because I wash it 3 times a day for a week. I use all my Kiehls and dermatologist prescribed products, and then I go to bed in full makeup....3 days in a row.

Yup, gotta start over.

Why are my abs not as ab-mazing as I want 'em to be?
Well, I'm crunching like a mad woman for 4 days, and then then "it" happens and the only crunch I get is the candy bar.

Why isn't my career booming?
Cuz I get going and then "it" happens and I close the blinds and go under the bed.

How can I get myself to be consistent during those "it happens" periods?


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