Monday, August 20, 2007


Was depressed today about the whole blow up thing.

So how did I make myself feel better?

* Stay in bed until 3pm with my eye pillow;

* Went to the store for:
- 2 Pack of Swedish Fish
- 1 Pack Pepperidge Farm Cookies
- 2 Laffy Taffy's
- 1 Pack of Gummie Savers
- 1 Liter of Orange Soda
- 1 20oz Cream Soda
- 1 Malta
- 1 Turkey, Cheese, Egg, Mayo Sandwich
- 1 Bottle of Applesauce


Amanda said...

I'm the same way...with information.

Whenever everything gets too much I either read a book or surf the net till I drop.

Butterfly said...

Oh, I forgot: I'm surfing the net while eating all that stuff! LMBO!