Sunday, August 12, 2007

I Gotta Pause

I'm having difficulty turning my brain off. I'm racing again.

Last time I was at this point, I started swallowing Seroquel and Lexapro.


I'm eliminating voices.

This week:
- NO Newspapers/ Magazines
- NO Music
- NO Phone
- NO Aimless Internet Surfing

I need to strip away things that affect my ability to think and to hear me.


Amber Anique said... there any way we can discuss this first?

Amanda said...

Too much noise, multitasking, info-flood and the like do make it worst.

My worst episodes happened during periods when I tried to do too much.

Life is quiet. Maybe too quiet these days, but it's healthier that way.

Butterfly said...

There is happiness and joy in simplicity.

I want to return there.