Well, what's the first sign that I don't give a damn about my work: I'm late.
Yup, not like "I-stopped-for-coffee-on-the-way-in" late, or "their-was-a-sick-passenger-on-the-train-brief-delay" late.
I'm taking about the "I-start-work-at-10-but-made-a-dr-appointment-at-1o-just-cuz-and-the-dr-quadruple-booked-so-I'm-not-getting-there-until-2pm" late.
Today is Wednesday and I haven't done anything noteably productive this week. Oh, I drafted a letter. That's it.
Yup, Butterfly is undermotivated - wait, that's a lie. I ain't got NO motivation! Yup my motivation to go to work is so low that it required that double negative.
So, I'm meeting with the owner tomorrow, and I'm in essence gonna ask for a $15k raise.
Yup, I got balls!
If they do it; GREAT. If not, I'm gonna start interviews with other August 1st.
I'll keep ya posted!
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