Saturday, June 9, 2007

The REAL Crazy People

Forget Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder etc, the real crazy people are UGLY people!

Yes, I said it!

Ugly people are mean and bitter because they aren't as attractive as others. They are the real crazy folk.

What's got me fuming?

I enter the wrong turn style to get on the subway. I entered uptown side when I needed to go downtown, so I exited the uptown side to enter on the downtown side.

No can do; when an unlimited train pass (aka metro card) is used, there is an 18 minute delay for re-entry.

Are you with me thus far?

So, I'm on the downtown side. I explain my plight to the booth worker (a lady). I said excuse me, please and smiled. I presented my metro card as well as my receipt of payment, and asked if she could please allow me entry.

The bucktoothed heifer replies:
I don't break the rules for nobody- not men, not women, not children and no, not even models!

She said this loudly for others to hear!

I was gonna say: "with your funky ass attitude, concrete wall face and bucktoothed grill, you need to be working in a basement somewhere and not putting anyone through the pain of seeing or dealing with you. You want me to wild out and embarrass myself, don't you? You want me to try to get into the booth to hit you, so you could say I assaulted you and then I'm in cornrows and an orange jumpsuit for 7 years."

But I did not. (Proud of me, Ash?)

I simply smiled, turned around and walked to the first side I entered where there was a male booth worker.

Ok, I'm not calling her ugly, but the mere mention of me being a model in her rant showed me that she's not thrilled with her looks. Anyway, one might say that I approached the her extra nicely because I anticipated opposition based on the way I assumed she'd perceive me. By virtue of the Law of Attraction, I received exactly what I thought about - opposition.

Hmmm, I'm learning.

As I evolve in my dealings with women, I must ensure that I am not sending a "you're gonna hate me because I'm pretty" vibe.

Her stuff- she's insecure with her looks and lashes out at anyone who reminds her of what she doesn't have.

My stuff-What I think, I will have. Thus, women will give me what I desire-courtesy or bitch-dom.


Take that Dr. Phil!

So thankful for the ability to de-escalate my anger even when I would be justified to have it.


Kiley said...

What a goddamn bitch...HER, not you. You? YOU are just honest as hell for having written a post that I think we can all heavily relate to!

Cheers, and try to have a better day next time!


Butterfly said...

Thank you so much!!!!

They're crazy, we're special!

Amanda said...

Way I see it, you were as nice as you can be to her. The responsibility for her response falls right down her lap.

While I'm not beautiful by any means, I am shapely, and I've met several women who consider this alone to be a provocation, no matter how polite and kind I am to them...