Saturday, April 7, 2007

Speaking of Disclosure

If you haven't told, take it from me, don't say a damn thing.

Keep your bipolar on a "need to know" basis; when someone "needs to know, then you'll tell.


What caused the change?

Well, people now see me as a diagnosis and ask me stupid questions like "did you take your meds" and "did you sleep last night"?

Pre-disclosure, when I was having a bad day, the suggested remedy was shopping, candy, going out to a club, meeting a new guy, etc.

Post -disclosure, the remedy for everything is medicine, and if I'm not snapping out of my funk fast enough for them, then the next question is "maybe you should call your psychiatrist; maybe you need a stronger dose."

Go to hell!

What the hell do you know about my dosage?!?!?!

To be "normal" we need people who reflect positivity, and normal living. To have everyone around you treat you like a science project is to increase the likelihood that you'll be sitting in a padded room sometime soon.

I feel like I am in a damn petridish and everyone is looking to see if I grow a tail or wild out.

Well, guess what?

I am about to wild out. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

For me, only special people get to know. Acquaintances sometimes dont know what to do with all of that information. Let them prove themselves to you first, as a friend and as a human being, as someone who will be there through thick and thin, downs and ups- They will then truly understand, empathize, and realize who you are as a WHOLE person with bipolar disorder, instead of that 'bipolar chick'

Butterfly said...

That's what really annoyed me. Everything became about bipolar disorder. Granted, I amy have fostered such an approach, but now that I recognize it, I am nipping it in the butt.

I don't answer my phone because I don't feel like it, not because I am bipolar.

I don't feel like going out because there is a Law & Order marathon and I prefer to be alone, not because I'm bipolar.


I have so much to undo. Send some patience heebeegeebees my way.