Saturday, April 7, 2007

New Rules

I need to do everything I can to stay positive.

Posts like A Question can not be. Okay, suicide is a sad reality with bipolar disorder, but it won't be a reality for me, and I am henceforth no longer mentioning it.

Not only did I not get to work until 5:30pm yesterday, but I felt like crap once I arrived. I was able to get things in perspective by 7pm, but I know better, and so I must do what is necessary to ensure that I am always equipped to do better.

With that said, here are the new Rules of Engagement. They are essential to my recovery, my healing, to my existance. I won't be any good to myself or be able to help others if I fail to do the work and lay the foundation for my stability.

These are now the rules for everyone around me. They may not seem fair, but they are so necessary for me to be whole right now.

1. Don't ask me if I took my meds.
2. Don't ask me if I slept.
3. Don't bring up being bipolar unless I do.
4. No negative energy.
5. Back up. Give me space.
6. Mirror my mood. If I am not speaking, leave me alone.


Anonymous said...

you cant want people to be supportive and thoughtful and interested in your well being while stringently relying on your 'rules of engagement'. be careful, you might be sending mixed messages.

Butterfly said...

One, I totally understand, but I am feeling my way through this just like everyone on this bipolar ring.

Today, these are the rules that work for me. Of course things are subject to change, but I don't apologize for wanting to try something new if it means peace of mind.

I just hope people understand that If they don't, as callous as it may be, I don't have time to care; my life is in my hands.

Anonymous said...

understood, just trying to give you the point of view of a friend who might be new to this as well. Its a new experience for all of those around you. Im still gonna ask if you took your meds though. Cause I can do that!

Butterfly said...


I understand.

Amanda said...

Great rules! Especially No. 6!