I can't deal with an unfavorable me.
A bad me?
A mean me?
An unpopular me?
A sub par me?
A less than perfect me?
A me that is wrong?
A me that disappoints?
A me that does something wrong?
A me that no one likes?
I don't know that me, but a couple people tried to introduce her to me tonight.
I took the tips, had a few chuckles, but the laughing stopped after my car was towed. Let's just say I had a lot of time to think about this "her" on the train ride home.
Truth is I don't know her. I've never let her out to exist, breathe or be.
I've never confirmed her existence until today, and I am scared to death of her.
She knows all my secrets and can shatter my perfect image by opening her mouth. She, she is the question mark on the end of superwoman.
The "yeah right" on the end of "she's in control".
The roll of the eyes right after "what a woman".
How would you handle being faced with the reality that who you think you are, isn't you at all?
I need help.
After the smiling, grinning, and extreme sarcasm for laughs, I am left to accept that within me is a f*cked up f*ck up.
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