Monday, March 5, 2007

Who Will Take Care of Me?

Lately I've been feeling like an unfit mother.

I'm not taking good care of myself with basic things.

My meds suppress my appetite, so I'm not eating. That's great until you learn that I also have an eating disorder.

Yup- Bipolar, with acute agoraphobia, OCD and a damn eating disorder.

I digress.

So I'm not feeding myself (although today I had a Whopper with cheese and fries.)

I'm not washing my face, bathing timely or caring about what I wear.

I laugh about it when I'm by myself, but it makes me sad.

Am I unfit?
Am I in danger of losing custody of me?
Will I be taken away from me?

If I no longer can, who will take care of me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I am in the same sinking hole today. And I don't know who will take care of me either.