Monday, March 5, 2007


What's your thing?
What's your indulgence?

Seemingly all bips have a secret hot button, a closet or not so closet indulgence.

Mine is food.

At 5'7.5" and 118lbs, you'd never believe that I eat as much as I do.

I eat a lot, and then other times I won't eat at all.

When I eat, it's usually junk:

Swedish Fish
Milky Way
Cameo cookies
Red Velvet Cake
Cheese puffs
A&W Creme Soda
Apple Juice
Like any E.D (eating disorder) chick, its followed by laxatives to get it gone.

But I haven't done that in a month, so Hooray for progress!

My other indulgence is Law & Order.

Law & Order
Law & Order SVU
Law & Order Criminal Intent

Yup, I love the marathons; allows me to justify my need to stay inside.

Hey, knowing is the first step isn't it?

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