Monday, March 12, 2007

The Deal With Garbage

Ok, so as a child, I would be on my hands and knees removing "stuff" from the carpet because I was convinced the vacuum wasn't getting everything. Actually, I knew it wasn't getting everything.

But now, not sure when or how it happened, but I'm Oscar the Grouch's girlfriend!

What was her name?


Yup, that's me.

Not even my fear of mice is compelling me to clean up.

Fine, argue if you will that my nastiness is not bip related. But, how ok am I if I recognize the mess, the clutter, the filth, the disarray, the garbage, but won't fix it?

Why am I not tossing the trash?

I'll do it in the morning. I promise.


Amber Anique said...

I know we don't know each other that well, but....PANTS ON FIRE!!!

Butterfly said...

You're right; I'm not cleaning tomorrow. But I will promise to put hangers in the closet.